Midlands Leadership Learning Zone
ELearning modules complemented by training events and workshops to help you lead your team
We know how important it is for clinicians and leaders at all levels to keep their skills updated to inspire and lead their teams.
Equally, we understand how crucial it is for you to personally improve your skills and effectiveness.
Truly authentic leadership is a journey and these online modules that we have created will enable you to support that journey to truly realise your potential.
Available modules
Leadership modules
23 modules
The Leadership Learning Zone is a flexible e-learning resource that takes a learner on an interactive exploration of key areas of leadership development. This suite of introductory modules developed by the Midlands Leadership Academy is equally relevant to learners who are just starting in their careers as well as experienced managers who want to consolidate their leadership capabilities.
The modules:

- Introduction to leadership
- Coaching skills
- Influencing stakeholders
- Talent management
- Time management
- Stress management
- Understanding yourself
- Managing people
- Managing through change
- Generations
- Unconscious Bias
- Equality & Diversity
- Interview Skills
- Resilience
- Imposter Syndrome
- Patient Experience
- Effective Communication
- Kindness in Leadership
- How to give Effective Feedback
- System Leadership
- Succession Planning
- Appreciative Inquiry
- How to run Action Learning Sets
Systems and Relational Leadership
10 modules
These Systems and Relational Leadership video modules, designed by the South West Leadership Academy in partnership with Tricordant, are for leaders in health and care looking to learn more about leading and working collaboratively across boundaries. The modules include links to practical tools and approaches, as well as opportunities for more in depth study and learning.
The modules:

- Introduction to systems
- Collaboration – keys to success
- Agile project working
- Leading in complexity
- Stuckness – tools for shifting patterns
- Collaborations – what makes them tick
- Complicated or complex?
- Working with complexity
- Working with tensions
- System leadership: in their own words
Leading Transformation for Integrated Care
6 modules
This development series is based on insights and experience drawn from work with a number of Integrated Care Systems across England. It will explore what partnership working looks like across teams and organisations. What does this mean for leaders? It is co-designed with input from with the NHSLA and local representatives to understand their current challenges and opportunities.
The modules:

- Who leads in a system?
- Improving the health of our local communities
- Leading alongside your local communities
- Rethinking recovery – a systems perspective
- Collaborating within your neighbourhood
- System Workforce Innovation
Leading Transition in Primary Care
2 modules
These two modules, designed by the South East Leadership Academy in partnership with Tricordant, are for primary care leaders who find themselves leading in the context of transition and change. One focuses on balancing strategic with operational leadership needs and one on the challenge of finding a collective voice for primary care in the new system. They include links to practical tools and take aways. For primary care leaders managing through change and transition we also recommend looking at the modules within the ‘Systems and Relational Leadership’ category above.
The modules:

- Coping with today and planning for tomorrow
- Articulating the voice of primary care
System OD and Transformation
5 modules
System leaders are increasingly required to facilitate transformational change in and across their system and organisations, often without formal power or authority.
Through these short learning videos and activities, you will enhance and develop your skills to lead, influence, and enable organisational and system transformation.
Covering five key themes of system OD and transformational change, each module contains a series of short learning videos, along with a self-directed activity. Each theme will develop your perspective, mindset and approach to create effective and successful transformation across your system.
The modules:

- Influencing without Formal Authority
- Challenging the Status Quo
- Releasing the Potential of Human Systems
- Consulting Mindset and Skillset
- Self as a Courageous Role Model
Leading a Multi-Disciplinary Team
7 modules
Multi-Disciplinary Team working in the primary and community care setting is becoming increasing important to delivering the vision of patient centred care, population health, placed based care and the wider ambitions of Integrated Care Systems (ICS’s). This course will help you understand the value of MDT working and will equip you to set up and lead effective MDTs.
The modules:

- The Why. The case for MDT working
- The What. Establishing effective MDT working
- The How. Developing MDT shared vision and common language
- Running successful MDTs
- Developing wider system leadership skills
- Sharing the MDT story
- Inspirational stories